
Transfer is an ERC-20 method that allows accounts to send tokens to other Ethereum addresses. A aToken transfer will fail if the account has entered that aToken market and the transfer would have put the account into a state of negative liquidity.

SErc20 / SEther

function transfer(address recipient, uint256 amount) returns (bool)
  • recipient: The transfer recipient address.

  • amount: The amount of aTokens to transfer.

  • RETURN: Returns a boolean value indicating whether or not the operation succeeded.


SEther aToken = SEther(0x3FDB...);
aToken.transfer(0xABCD..., 100000000000);

Web3 1.0

const aToken =;
await aToken.methods.transfer(0xABCD..., 100000000000).send({from: 0xSender});

Last updated