
Borrows an Ethereum asset from the Agile Protocol for the user. The user's address must first have supplied collateral and entered a corresponding market.

  • asset (string) A string of the asset to borrow (must be a supported underlying asset).

  • amount (number | string | BigNumber) A string, number, or BigNumber object of the amount of an asset to borrow. Use the mantissa boolean in the options parameter to indicate if this value is scaled up (so there are no decimals) or in its natural scale.

  • [options] (CallOptions) Call options and Ethers.js overrides for the transaction.

  • RETURN (object) Returns an Ethers.js transaction object of the borrow transaction.

const agile = new Agile(window.ethereum);

(async function() {

  const usdtScaledUp = '32000000000000000000';
  const trxOptions = { mantissa: true };

  console.log('Borrowing 32 Usdt...');
  const trx = await agile.borrow(Agile.USDT, usdtScaledUp, trxOptions);

  console.log('Ethers.js transaction object', trx);


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